IBEX NEWS,shimla.
Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu called on Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bhupendra Yadav at New Delhi today.
Chief Minister requested for a separate and full-fledged Integrated Regional Office of the Ministry at Shimla and not to limit the same to sub-office so as to grant speedy forest clearances for projects of national importance like four Laning, strategic defence infrastructure etc.

Chief Minister apprised the Union Minister that the State government is going to construct Rajiv Gandhi Day Boarding Schools in the state with a campus area of approx five hectares and requested for limit of diversion of forest land under Forest Conservation Act,1980 for construction of schools in hilly areas may be relaxed and may be enhanced. upto 6 hectares in case of Eklavya Model Residential Schools. (EMRS) and 5 hectares in case of Day Boarding Schools.
He also requested that state government may be empowered to approve diversion of forest land under FCA 1980 for non forestry purpose upto 5 hectares.
Chief Minister apprised that state government has decided to construct heliports in all the districts of the state and the proposals are still pending with the Ministry and requested for speedy approvals on a priority basis.
The Union Minister assured of all possible assistance to the state.

Sundar Singh Thakur CPS, Suresh Kumar, MLA, Sunil Sharma Political Advisor to CM, Prabodh Saxena Chief Secretary, Bharat Khera Principal Secretary to CM, SK Singla Principal Resident Commissioner, Rajiv Kumar, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests were also present in the meeting.