826 candidates have beenprovisionally shortlisted for further selection process i.e. document verification:-
IBEX NEWS, Shimla.
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission today declared the result ofWritten Objective Type Screening Test held on 10.12.2023, for the recruitment of 360 {Unreserved =130,
Unreserved (Wards of Freedom Fighters) = 04, Economically Weaker Section of H.P. =38, OBC of HP
=63, OBC of HP (BPL) =13, OBC of HP (wards of freedom fighters) =02, Scheduled Caste of HP =73,
Scheduled Caste of HP (BPL) =13, Scheduled Caste of HP (Wards of Freedom Fighters) =04, Scheduled
Tribe of HP =15, Scheduled Tribe of HP (BPL) =05} posts of Conductor, Class-III (on contract basis)
in HRTC under the Department of Transport, H.P. The following 826 candidates have been
provisionally shortlisted for further selection process i.e. document verification:-