Fresh snowfall has started on the high peaks of Himachal Pradesh. A white sheet of snow has spread in the Atal Tunnel and Lahaul Valley of Lahaul Spiti. Snowfall continues in the high altitude areas of Lahaul Spiti district. At the same time, light snowfall occurred in Kufri, Fagu and Narkanda of Shimla in the afternoon. Good snowfall has started from 5:30 pm.However, a yellow alert for heavy snowfall was issued today in Shimla, Chamba, Kangra, Kinnaur, Kullu, Mandi and Lahaul Spiti districts. There was no heavy snowfall, but light snowfall has definitely occurred. At the same time, the sky is cloudy in the plains of the state.
Amidst continuous snowfall, snow accumulation started on NH05 in Narkanda and road surface has become extremely slippery. So traffic has been diverted from Sainj to Shimla via Luhri / Sunni.The temperature of Keylong in Lahaul Spiti has also increased by 10.1 degrees compared to normal. The maximum temperature of Keylong has reached 6.1 degrees Celsius. Usually, the temperature of Keylong remains in minus in January. The maximum temperature of Sundarnagar has also reached 25.2 degrees, which is 7.6 degrees more than normal. The average maximum temperature of the state has become 5.5 degrees more than normal.